XULANE uses a 28-day (4-week) cycle. A new patch is applied on the same day each week for 3 weeks (21 total days).
Week 4 is patch-free. Withdrawal bleeding expected during this time. She should check her patch every day to
make sure all edges are sticking securely to the skin for it to work properly. Instructions for Use.
There may be an increased risk of VTE among women who use the XULANE patch compared to women who
use certain COCs. The AUC for EE is approximately 60% higher in women using XULANE compared to COCs
containing EE 35 mcg. In contrast, the peak concentration (Cmax) for EE is approximately 25% lower in women using
NGMN/EE transdermal system.
Discuss your patient’s individual medical history and lifestyle, the safety and efficacy of the drug, dosing frequency
and the dosage form to determine if XULANE patch is right for her.
AUC: Area Under the Curve; VTE: Venous Thromboembolism; COCs: Combined Oral Contraceptives; NGMN: Norelgestromin EE: Ethinyl Estradiol.